To Begin...

I suppose now is the time to tell you about myself and what this blog is for.

I spent a long time as a Christian, and had some amazing times. However, due to the nature of my questions, I turned my back. I am not an atheist, though I have come close. I do not claim to know any answers at all, and I will explain my reasons why in this blog. There is much I want to write about. As for the usual debate between Christians and non-Christians, it bores me. For the most part, it is mud-slinging or just handled by people who make no effort to actually understand the other's point of view. And if anyone is ever to win properly in a debate, they must properly and full understand what is being argued.

Too many times, name-calling and labeling begins, and I, if it happens on this blog, will refuse to debate these people, for I feel nothing good can come of it.

I have asked many questions, and often I am asked why I'm not a Christian anymore, and often I am left trying to remember all my reasons. They are all there, and I remember them in due course, however since I have not expressed my thoughts in detail (only the odd journal here and there), they are not clarified enough for me to be able to pull them out at random.

And finally, I am most welcoming if you wish to read this blog, and if you have a keen and open mind, would be willing to talk about anything discussed here further.


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